• FIFTY8 + Billy Rood + Background •
So this is the beginning of my physical journey. This is my brother and I at an orphanage. This is the first photo and memory I have. No baby photos, nothing. This was the photo my adoptive parents had when they decided to adopt us. This is my cornerstone, the one thing I have identified emotionally and spiritually that has set the tone for my story and destiny.
I have experienced many paths of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual challenges my entire life. From not being physically “big” enough for sports, emotionally unable to express my alien experiences as a child and dreams of friends and family dying, feeling “love at first sight” and not knowing what it means, depression, anxiety, suicide, experiencing my brother becoming severely addicted to heroin, feeling helpless about it, then helping him recover and heal, revelation, abundance, creativity, and now awakening to all my memories and experiences…to discover who I am.
It has all taught me my purpose and mission. Nothing outside of me will ever create happiness or joy. Not even family, friends, my body, lovers, career, money, etc…it has taught me that happiness and joy always comes from within. So I Am here to share my story and my evolution of consciousness and energy and teach about this inner journey back to ourselves.
Learn more about path on my blog.
This is my story of integrating my energy of polarity consciousness to Christ Consciousness.
Billy Rood / Creator of FIFTY8
I am a Creative Director of Energy. I am an artist and creative using the medium of photography, filmmaking, design and sound to help others create their desired life. I have always felt a huge potential in media to empower rather than the current state of disposable content.
Through my states of awakening, I have decided to direct my passion and have created this visual platform called FIFTY8 to present a synthesis of knowledge and teachings to empower your life by sharing the teachings of the unseen, energy.
Through my study and experiences of many teachers, (including an initiated Monk from Tibet and a Master Teacher from an Ancient School of Wisdom in Romania) and my own self knowledge, I utilize FIFTY8 to express and share these Sacred teachings and knowledge to help others conquer and control all personal judgements, disbeliefs, doubt in one’s self and the attitudes and habits of the human personality that limits us from growing and evolving to our greatest and unlimited potential, our Spirit.
I take the concept of movies to simplify these teachings and how we can change our lives by being conscious of the scripts we are continually writing and the characters we are being. By looking at our crew (thoughts), actors (emotions), props (manifestations) and times of day (scenes) we can discover the movie we have been creating and the future movie and role we want to experience.
I offer individual and group workshops with knowledge to empower the mind and how to connect to your Spirit along with an open dialogue of these teachings in order to utilize the will to overcome all obstacles. By understanding this reality and who we are, we can learn the Art of Harmony and create a life full of purpose and unlimited potential, humanities destiny.
FIFTY8 Mission Statement
To help men and women to realize the nobility of their calling and their true position in life.
To educate children of all nations on Oneness and to prepare destitute and homeless children to become workers for humanity.
To ameliorate the condition of unfortunate women, and assist them to a higher life.
To assist those who are, or have been, in prisons, to establish themselves in honorable positions in life.
To abolish capital punishment.
To bring about a better understanding between so-called savage and civilized races, by promoting a closer and more sympathetic relationship between them.
To relieve human suffering and extend aid, help and comfort to suffering humanity throughout the world.
There is so much potential in this world.
But so many of us, are so afraid of our potential. Our magnificence. Our fear overpowers our own energy. I am here to help others connect to their double, their spirit, their divine director.
So you can transcend this reality of the body/ego and enter the reality of the heart. I am here to raise the consciousness of media on the planet with empowering content.
I am here to show people how to transmute their fear to love by creating the action/energy necessary to dissolve it and ignite your kundalini.
So you may find your purpose and destiny. This website was created to SERVE.
So others may experience the spark inside themselves that has been dwindled down to almost nothing due to this cancer called fear.
Family of Maassen (Mothers) / The Knights of Consciousness
The Knights of Consciousness
Meaning in Numerology…5 is the most dynamic and energetic. Unpredictable and always in need of change.
8 has traits of drive, ambition, authority and good judgement.
The energy represented by the numerology number 58 has a focus on building a secure foundation for the future, yet with a playful side that tends to alleviate, what would otherwise tend to be a wholly serious approach to life.
It is an evolution in power...not on the outside but a revolution within.
EARTH is an anagram / EARTH = HEART
This website is here to share with you the knowledge and wisdom that will enhance and open your own journey and consciousness.
Some of the information and concepts are here to open your mind. Just like a flower, the more you open up and bloom, the more you can blossom and grow. To raise our energy from the root to the crown and to become whole. To create a new reality of unlimited potential inside all of us.
From limitation (fear) to unlimited potential (love.)
Thoughts create your reality.
I'll leave you with some high frequency words to help you and your journey to freedom.
Love is the answer, and you know that for sure;
Love is a flower, you've got to let it grow.
- John Lennon
I AM healthy, I AM harmonious, I AM wise, I AM brave, I AM happy, I AM lucky, I AM prosperous, I AM light, I have a harmonious, beautiful, healthy, and prosperous family. We all live in prosperity and happiness. I thank God for all gifts received. I AM love. I AM loved. I meet people in situations that are suitable for my development on all the planes. I have a wonderful job in regards to my soul and to my social and material life. I meet spiritual masters in my life and am guided and protected on all my days on Earth. I AM filled with the radiant power of the Holy Spirit. I AM 30 years younger. I AM perfect health. I AM never again another day. I manifest in the palm of my hand instantly whatsoever I want. I AM fabulous wealth. I know the thoughts of others. I manifest at WILL all that I need. I heal others and myself. I AM beautiful.