If people are to change, then they must change from within, from the source of the intent and free-will that powers this whole system.
We are moving into a new world, a new dimension, where this information will be appreciated and applied.
Our bodies and everything around us are now increasing their vibratory rate and adjusting to a new frequency.
Every cell of the body begins to vibrate at such a fast rate that it turns into light.
When this begins, the temperature of the body increases and the body starts to glow with light. When every cell is vibrating at a very high rate, you will disappear from normal vision and move into a higher dimensional reality.
This is because the body has moved in vibration beyond the third dimension and is now vibrating on a much higher dimensional level. This then means that you will not go through the death process, as you will then have a Light Body.
Aging will not exist for you, and you will have stepped into the next dimensional reality.
You can then access the next stage of spiritual evolution.
“They” have emphasized that this has happened down through time to certain individuals and small groups of people. But what makes it unique now, is that it will be the first time that an entire planet will make the shift into another dimension.
This will be the New Earth and the new world.
This is described in the Bible as the new heaven and the new Earth.
The others who are not ready, will be left behind (just as it says in the Bible) to continue to live out their karma.
They will not even be aware that anything has happened.
Those who have not become enlightened, will have to return to another, denser planet that is still involved with negativity, to work out their remaining karma.
They will not be allowed to come to the New Earth, because their vibration will not match.
“In the New Earth everyone will be able to do these things: to heal, to see inside the body, to communicate telepathically, to materialize objects, to bi-locate. These will be awakening abilities. ”
The rebirth of the new Earth will be painful because it is done from inside.
Because everything is changing. The planet is changing.
Your DNA is changing. It has to hold the energy, to hold the frequency.
The main issues here is that the control systems of Earth, in this age, have generated a chaotic energetically scarce system that projects pain and suffering into one’s mind in order to function.
That is literally the lubrication that makes the current system flow.
The main issues here is that the control systems of Earth, in this age, have generated a chaotic energetically scarce system that projects pain and suffering into one’s mind in order to function.
That is literally the lubrication that makes the current system flow.
This is a result of the unchecked subconscious energies of the human mind as well as the capitalization of those unchecked energies in the use of cultural generation systems as a means of mass mind control.
The system of energies and non-physical realms is literally a living organism that seeks to squeeze the mind to produce the required pain and suffering.
This is largely a result of, or at least connected to, the mass amounts of continuous pleasure and hedonism that is present in the un-viewable portion of the public control system.
We know we have all been chosen to be human angels in His world--helping, rescuing, touching, loving, praying, gracing and serving our fellow brothers and sisters,
of all colors, languages and cultures... without any expectation for anything in return.
Mass media messaging and entertainment programming will change drastically, from blood and gore, death and destruction (fear)
to images and stories of healing and unity, peace and fellowship (love).
Old content that was once popular will soon be unwatchable on the new earth whose vibration will be dominated by compassion and grace.
As such the artists of the world will adapt quickly and begin creating new sounds, songs, pictures and stories of universal harmony versus earthly disharmony.
Much to all of these changes constitute a larger collective universal transition of eras here on earth in benefit of its predominant soul blessed species...humanity.
It is time. It has to happen.
Time flew for the Gaia (Mother Earth) to graduate and take her best students with her.
And leave behind the destruction and corruption and negativity and darkness.
It’s like she’s splitting off, morphing into two... a New Earth...a New Jerusalem.
There won’t be a nuclear holocaust that was being created.
This is all a part of the grand design of the great light in heaven, the Council of Nine.
Our minds have to shift also, in order to accept the new and different world we are entering.
Maybe this is the reason we are now being offered challenges to change our thinking from the mundane we have been trapped in for millennia.
A new pulse consciousness is fast evolving for there is no other course than to go from one plane of consciousness to a higher and more advanced one.
Civilization today is fast approaching a great reconstructive moment.
All things that seem so stable and well-founded now will soon be immersed in a state of inversion.
Every tree that has not been planted by Truth will be uprooted.
A new cycle of Spirit, our Divine Director is dawning for the entire world.
A new breathe and a cosmic revelation is sweeping the Earth of the debris of delusion on those struggling to evolve.